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3 Ways Narcissists Are Selfish in Bed

2 min readJun 21, 2024


Although these qualities are not common in all dysfunctional relationships, some individuals with narcissistic traits may approach sex in a selfish manner.

— Here are 3 ways a narcissist may approach intimacy in the bedroom —

Using sex to control you

If and when the opportunity comes, narcissists may use sex as a means to get whatever they want from their partners. This could involve withholding physical intimacy or affection as a way to punish or exert control. This extends to using sex to extract favors, excercising compliance from their partner.

For example, a narcissist might use sex as a way to get their partner to do something they want, such as agree to a particular course of action or make a specific decision. In this context, sex is being used as a tool to manipulate or control the other person rather than as a means of mutual pleasure or connection.

They will only pleasure themselves

Narcissists will prioritize their own satisfaction during sexual encounters while never taking into account the needs of the other person.

This creates a feeling of imbalance in the relationship, as the partner may feel that their own pleasure isn’t worth it. This would be especially hurtful if the…

