Photo by Malachi Cowie on Unsplash

6 Signs You’re Sabotaging Your Relationships



Human relationships are messy.

They’re shaped by emotions, experiences, personalities, and all the baggage that comes with them. But what we don’t often think about are the cognitive biases — the sneaky little traps in our thinking that screw with how we see, interact with, and respond to others.

Let’s break down a few of these biases, like confirmation bias and anchoring bias, and more importantly, how to fight back.

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is that annoying habit of only noticing things that fit what we already believe. In relationships, this one is a killer. If you think someone’s a jerk, you’ll keep finding proof they’re a jerk — ignoring any decent thing they do. It’s a fast track to misunderstandings, and eventually, the relationship falls apart.

How do you kill confirmation bias? Challenge your own thoughts. Actively look for opposing views. Learn how human behavior works. Communicate openly, even when it’s uncomfortable. And be willing to change your mind based on new information.

Halo Effect

The halo effect is when you take one thing you like about someone and use it to paint their whole personality in a glowing light. It’s all good until you start ignoring their flaws and…

