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7 Warning Signs God Is Exposing the Narcissist in Your Life



This is not just about someone being difficult. It’s much deeper. You’re dealing with a toxic force working through them, trying to break you down.

Take a look around. How many people have destroyed their lives — whether in jail or worse — because they allowed this kind of toxic energy to provoke them into reckless actions?

Narcissists are masters at pushing your buttons, twisting the truth, and turning others against you. They thrive on creating chaos and playing games with your life.

1. Your Reaction Is the Bigger Problem

First red flag? When your reaction to their toxic nonsense is treated like it’s the problem, not the abuse itself. It’s a real sign that God’s trying to pull the curtain back on the narcissist in your life. The Bible warns us: “Do not be unequally yoked.” (2 Corinthians 6:14) You’re setting yourself up for trouble if you link up with the wrong person. And don’t think this is just for romantic relationships. It goes for your so-called friends and family as well.

The Bible also says to wait until marriage before getting physical. However, many people are secular. So what happens? You jump from one relationship to another, tying your soul to people who aren’t good for you.

