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How To End a Relationship with a Narcissist

2 min readJun 10, 2024


This is for those who are serious about ending a relationship that not only abusive. There’s no more good that could come from continuing this toxic cycle. But if your priority is to heal and break free, keep reading.

There are five essential steps to help you leave a narcissistic abusive relationship and ensure you never enter another one.

Step 1 — Frame your exit from this relationship as a test of your will.

Step 2 — Write down, with a pen and paper — not in your mind or phone notes — all the costs of losing this relationship.

Step 3 — Accept that you will need to sacrifice many things to be free.

Step 4 — List all the ways your life will improve once you’re out of the relationship. Try to envision how and what life will look like on the other side of this painful, difficult, and chaotic process.

Step 5 — Continuously affirm to yourself, even if you don’t fully believe it yet, that you are strong enough to handle the challenges ahead.

If you’ve found yourself reading this article, chances are you’re already in deep pain.

Expect there to be suffering. There’s nothing about it.

Allow yourself to feel and experience it through and through. The suggestion I’m offering involves pain and sacrifice.

But the best part about it, these are things you only have to do once if you want to reclaim your life.

Thanks for reading!

