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Spotting a Narcissist: 3 Red Flags You Can’t Ignore



Narcissists hide in plain sight and can be spotted from a mile away. And a lot of people are sleeping with them, are your best friends and they’re our parents. If you have people who come to mind when the word narcissists comes up, stick around.

These are three things to look out for if you believe you’re in a relationship with a narcissist.

Constant Dualities

Your relationship with a narcissist might make you feel crazy because of the duality within the relationship. Narcissists behave in black or white. They may be charming and full of love, yet simultaneously, degrading and hurtful. They’ll do something hurtful, then ask you why you’re hurt. They do this to control you.

Psychologically speaking, the easiest way to control someone is by making them confused. When our minds get too confused, it will eventually surrender. If something is too much to sift and sort through, eventually our brain will shut down. This leaves us vulnerable and easy for a narcissist to control.

Your narcissist may say they love being in a relationship with you and then cheat. They might say that they don’t care if you leave, but then do everything in their power to make you stay, followed by everything that will make you want to leave. It’s vicious a cycle. It’s the…

