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The Downfall of Narcissists and How They Lose It All

Narcissists and the Inevitable Crash

3 min readOct 7, 2024


Let me break it down for you.

Asking that is like wondering if a moth gets burned when it flutters too close to a flame. The short answer: Yeah, most of the time, they do.

A narcissist’s whole game is smoke and mirrors. They think they’re the puppet master, yanking strings and fooling everyone with their self-importance.

But here’s the hard truth: you can only keep that act going for so long before it crashes like a house of cards.

Their obsession with themselves feeds this brutal cycle that pushes people away, isolates them, and eventually destroys everything they’ve built.

You can strut around, calling yourself great, telling the world you’re superior — but here’s the punchline: people see through that garbage. Sure, they might get dazzled at first. Friends, partners, coworkers — they’ll buy into the act… for a while. But disillusionment is inevitable.

Faking it only works if you’ve got something real underneath. And most narcissists? They don’t. They’re too busy admiring themselves in the mirror to build something that actually lasts.

